1、Yiguo Xue, Binghua Zhou, Shucai Li, et al. Deformation rule and mechanical characteristic analysis of subsea tunnel crossing weathered trough. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2021, 114,103989. (JCR Q1, 中科院1区, TOP) 2、Yiguo Xue, Binghua Zhou, Shucai Li, et al. Optimum design calculation method for the reasonable buried depth: A case study from Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao immersed tunnel. Ocean Engineering. 2020, 206, 107275. (JCR Q1, 中科院1区, TOP) 3、Binghua Zhou, Yiguo Xue, et al. A two-step interval risk assessment method for water inrush during seaside tunnel excavation. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2022, 28(6), 573-584. (JCR Q2) 4、Binghua Zhou, Yiguo Xue, et al. Vertical Z-vibration prediction model of ground building induced by subway operation. Geomechanics and Engineering.2022, 30(3), 273-280. (JCR Q2) 5、Binghua Zhou, Yiguo Xue, Shucai Li, et al. Probabilistic analysis of tunnel collapse: Bayesian method for detecting change points. Geomechanics and Engineering.2020, 22(4), 291-303. (JCR Q2) 6、Yiguo Xue, Binghua Zhou, et al. Mechanical properties of support form for fault fracture zone in subsea tunnel. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2020, 56(6), 436-444. (JCR Q4) 7、Yiguo Xue, Binghua Zhou, et al. A prediction model for overlying rock thickness of subsea tunnel: A hybrid intelligent system. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. 2019, 37(10), 1267-1276. (JCR Q2) 8、Binghua Zhou, Yiguo Xue, et al. Longitudinal jet ventilation calculation and application of long highway tunnel. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2018, 16, 256-269. (ESCI) 9、薛翊国,周炳桦,李志强,等,一种适用于隧道与地下工程监控量测信息的智慧感知系统及方法,2019,ZL201710347036.0 10、薛翊国,周炳桦,李术才,等,一种适用于黄土地质隧道的地表监测点及布设装置及方法,2019,ZL201710262548.7 11、李术才,周炳桦,薛翊国,等,用于超前地质预报数据采集时炮孔封堵装置、方法及应用,2018,ZL201710089106.7 12、李术才,周炳桦,薛翊国,等,一种适用于隧道仰拱施工的多功能栈桥及方法,2018,ZL201710127560.7 13、邱道宏,周炳桦,薛翊国,等,基于TSP系统和岩体随机不连续三维网络的地质超前预测方法,2019,ZL201711375524.9 14、邱道宏,周炳桦,薛翊国,等,基于TSP系统和块体理论的地下工程病态块体超前预测方法,2020,ZL201711017323.1 15、李术才,薛翊国,周炳桦,等,一种隧道塌方落石全自动实时监测-预警系统与方法,2019,ZL201710344142.3 |